1545 E 8425 S, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday – Thursday 8:15 am – 3:05 pm

Friday 8:15 am – 1:15 pm

Ranked No.2 In Utah

Student Health


Please follow these guidelines if your child is ill:

  • Notify the office at 801.826.9100 if they will be absent due to illness.

Before sending your child to school, be sure that s/he is well enough to be in school.

Illness at School

If a child becomes ill at school, every effort will be made to contact the parents/guardians who should be available to check the child out at the office and take her/him home. It is very distressing for school personnel and the sick child when the school is not able to contact a person responsible for the child. Please notify the office of any updated emergency numbers.

Chronic or Serious Conditions

Diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, life threatening allergies to food or other substances (anaphylaxis), and other serious medical conditions must be noted on registration paperwork. This information is important for the safety of your child, and may require a School Health Care Plan and/or 504 Plan. You are encouraged to also email leslie.jewkes@canyonsdistrict.org to ensure that we have the proper plan in place.

In recent years we have seen inversions, fires and other factors affect our outdoor air quality. There is concern about the effects of poor air quality on children’s health and their ability to breathe easily. Please make sure your classroom teacher or the principal is aware if your child is “sensitive” to poor air quality, so that we can make sure they stay inside on poor air quality days. Sensitive children may include those with significant or poorly controlled asthma, cystic fibrosis, chronic lung disease, congenital heart disease, compromised immune systems, or other respiratory problems.

For further information on air quality, please visit: air.utah.gov for hourly PM2.5 levels andhealth.utah.gov/asthma/airquality/recess.htm for air quality guidance for schools.


Utah law (53A-11-01) requires that schools can only administer prescription and non- prescription medications under the following guidelines:

  • The student’s parent or legal guardian provides a current written and signed request that
  • medication be administered to the student during regular school hours, and
  • The request for Giving Medication at School form be filled out and signed by the child’s
  • physician. This pertains to non-prescription as well as prescription drugs.

The parent/guardian request and prescriber’s statement must be resubmitted at the beginning of each school year, and as medication is prescribed or changed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the main office. Students cannot have cough drops at school unless they are stored in the office with a signed note from their physician. Parents/Guardians can come to school, meet with their student in the office, and provide cough drops.