1545 E 8425 S, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday – Thursday 8:15 am – 3:05 pm

Friday 8:15 am – 1:15 pm

Ranked No.2 In Utah

Policies & Procedures

Peruvian Park Attendance Policy

Bicycle, Skateboard and Scooter Safety

Students may ride bikes, skateboards, and scooters to school; however, the school is not responsible for lost or stolen equipment. Students must dismount and walk once on school grounds. A fenced bike rack is provided for students. Heelies are not allowed at school.

Cell Phone

Possession of a cell phone is a privilege that may be forfeited by any student that uses the phone inappropriately. The school will not be responsible for preventing theft, loss of or damage to cell phones brought to school. Cell phones and like devices may not be used during school hours, instructional activities or field trips. Phones must remain off during these times and stored in a backpack. In addition, if the phone becomes a distraction, it will be put in the office for the day. Parents will be asked to pick it up from the office.

Checking Students In and Out of School

To ensure the safety of our students, no child will be allowed to leave the campus once school has started without a parent or a designee of the parent. Please send written permission to release your child to anyone other than his or her legal guardian or emergency contact. Please limit checking your child out of school during the school day to emergency situations. Please check your child out of school through the main office. Please remember to bring ID when checking your child out of school.

Classroom Interruptions

Peruvian Park protects instructional time so that all students participate in a focused learning environment. This can best be achieved by students’ punctual arrival at school, consistent attendance, and an instructional atmosphere without interruptions. In order to facilitate this process Peruvian Park will abide by the following procedures:

  1. School hour phone messages will be written and delivered to teachers or students before school, at lunchtime or at the end of the school day. Phone calls for teachers can be transferred to voicemail, so the teacher may return the call during non-instructional times (usually after school).

  2. Parents/guardians should pre-arrange meetings with the teacher before or after school. All visitors must check in at the front office, even after school has been dismissed.

  3. Forgotten lunches or homework assignments delivered to the office will be held for students. Students will not be called from class to pick up these items.

  4. You may leave non-emergency messages, packages, etc. with the front office to be given to the student during an appropriate break.

  5. Visitors will not be allowed to go to classrooms unless previous arrangements have been made with the teacher.

Telephone use will be permitted for students who need to contact a parent due to emergency. A note from the teacher will be obtained prior to calling.for

Dress Code

Students shall dress in a manner that shows respect for the educational environment and is befitting the day’s activities. Students’ clothing and jewelry must not present a health or safety hazard or distraction, which would disrupt the educational mission. Disruption is defined as reactions by other individuals to the clothing or adornment, which causes the teacher/ administrator to lose the attention of the students, to modify or cease instructional activities, or to deal with student confrontations or complaints.

  1. Items that disrupt the educational mission will not be allowed. All personal items including clothing shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignias, which are crude, vulgar, profane, violent, or sexually suggestive.

  2. Items which bear advertising, promotions and likeness of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs are contrary to the educational mission and will not be allowed,

  3. All students shall maintain their hair in a clean, well-groomed manner. Any hairstyle that draws undue attention or disrupts the learning environment will not be allowed.

  4. All students shall wear clean clothing. Any clothing, jewelry, or accessories that draw undue attention, disrupt the learning environment, or pose a health or safety risk will not be allowed.

  5. Students shall not wear clothes that are mutilated, cut off, or immodest, e.g., short shorts, mini skirts, bare midriffs, halter-tops, spaghetti straps, tank shirts, or similar clothing. Clothing shall cover the midriff, underwear, backs and cleavage at all times. Skirts, dresses and shorts must be at least mid-thigh length or longer when seated.

  6. Hats of any kind are not allowed within the building except as part of an approved activity, or for religious or medical purposes. Hats may be worn outside at recess.

  7. School officials may require students to wear certain types of clothing for health of safety reasons in connection with certain specialized activities.

  8. Gang related clothing, colors and paraphernalia are not allowed in schools or activities. School officials shall determine what constitutes “gang” clothing, colors, and paraphernalia after consulting law enforcement agencies as needed.

  9. Shoes shall be worn at all times to ensure personal safety and hygiene. Cleats are not allowed.

    Students referred to the office for dress code violations will be given the option of calling home for a change of clothes or changing into clothing provided by the school. Students will not be allowed to return to the class until they have changed into appropriate clothing. Parents of repeat offenders will be asked to meet with the administration to resolve the problem.

Textbooks and Library Books

Students are responsible for all textbooks and library books issued to them during the school year. All lost or damaged books must be paid for. All monies collected are recorded by the school secretary and paid to the proper fund for replacement purposes. If a lost book is found, money paid will be refunded.

Electronic Devices

Students and parents must assume the risk if a student brings an electronic device to school. The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen electronic device. Any use of an electronic device that exploits personal information, disrupts the educational process, invades personal privacy or compromises the integrity of educational programs is strictly prohibited.

Food, Treats, and Snacks

Please check with teachers before bringing any food items to the class. All food items must be made commercially. We encourage healthy treats whenever possible. Due to the possibility of allergic reactions, some food items may be prohibited from specific classrooms.

Lost and Found

Please write your student’s name in ALL clothing and accessories with a permanent marker. Students are encouraged to be personally responsible for their possessions. Students should check the Lost and Found area in the hallway near the library for clothing and lunchboxes. Lost and found for small items (rings, watches, etc.) is in the office. At regular intervals throughout the year, all unclaimed items are donated to charity.


If you anticipate a move to another school or district, please inform the office as soon as possible so that we may assist with making the transition as smooth as possible for your child.

School Day Appointments

If your child has an appointment during school hours, please sign him/her out in the office before leaving. For safety reasons, we will not release a child to anyone who has not been included on the student’s registration card. Unless the appointment takes the entire school day, students are expected to attend class before and after their appointment.

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