1545 E 8425 S, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday – Thursday 8:15 am – 3:05 pm

Friday 8:15 am – 1:15 pm

Ranked No.2 In Utah

September 9, 2020 – Minutes

Peruvian Park Elementary

SCC Minutes

September 9, 2020


Leslie Jewkes

Alicia Woodward

Annette Marchant

Tami Yamane

Emily Tippetts

Jenn Crane

Jessica Dalton

Rachel Stoddard

  1. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
    1. Ali Woodward nominated for Chair. Jessica Dalton seconded, all in favor.
    2. Jenn Crane nominated for Vice-Chair. Jessica Dalton seconded, all in favor.
    3. Secretary to be appointed at next meeting.
  1. Determine Meeting Schedule
    1. Motion to approve new SCC meeting schedule. Proposed move is to 2nd Tuesday of every month at 3:15pm for the following dates: 10/13, 11/10, 1/12, 2/9, 3/9, 4/14, 5/11. Motion approved.
  1. Data Review
    1. Introduced new Achievement Coach, Emily Russo. Acadience testing dates were moved up allowing us to acquire student data sooner.
    2. Early data suggests older grades have retained more than younger grades.
    3. Growth measurement will look different since we were unable to take spring benchmark data.
    4. A change this year, 4th and 5th grades will only use the Reading Inventory rather than under-benchmark Acadience testing. K-3 will remain with Acadience only.
  1. Land Trust
    1. Review goals: Previous goal was 80% at or above benchmark, was on target for winter. Will continue goal of 80%.
    2. LAND Trust is primarily used for interventionists. Any leftover funds will go towards technology and ensuring Chromebooks are at a 1:1 student ratio.
    3. 70 of our Chromebooks will soon be out of commission. Those we have on backorder will replace them, but will interfere with our 1:1 goal. Currently have 1:1 Chromebooks for grades 3-5, still acquiring for grades 1 and 2. K will remain on iPads.
    4. Math goals: Data was supposed to come from Math Inventory Pathways for Growth but was unavailable online. Benchmark scores will be used.
    5. Funding set aside for an additional math interventionist may cause a budget surplus. Discussed moving that additional money to fund 1:1 Chromebook goal.
    6. Other budget data consistent with previous budget.
  1. TSSP Plans
    1. Difficulty with RISE results from prior year in conjuction with COVID from this year, unable to track the targeted goal performance. Have seen growth since inception, from scores in the 20-30% up to 60% in the data that we do have.
    2. For SALTA, we are tracking proficient and highly proficient goals.
    3. Funds built into the budget for SALTA teachers to build their curriculum. In addition we have one SALTA-specific rotating classroom aide and a twice-exceptional counselor in Wendy Meyer.
    4. Madison Magnusson and Emily Russo will be building additional training to help transition ELL students to the most beneficial resources.
    5. $2000 allocated to technology under the Math section is now $9000 to cover additional Chromebooks, with the additional funding from the state.
  1. Repopulation Plan
    1. Available on the Peruvian Park website with a highly visible button.
    2. Only change from our prior plan approved during the summer was moving the language back from face coverings to face masks.
    3. Discussion regarding how operations are going within the school using the repopulating guidance was overwhelmingly positive from all attending.
  1. New Building
    1. All interior changes have been made in the plans. A visit to Midvalley to explore the completed building scheduled for Sept. 18th at 1:45pm.
  1. Blending Online Learners and In-Person Learners โ€“ One School
    1. Leslie asks that at the next meeting the council discuss ways to blend our Peruvian Park students participating in online learning with the classrooms in terms of community spirit, plus building up the send-off of the old building and celebrating the history of it.
  1. Other items
    1. Group discussion regarding the move to weekly parent information to Canvas instead of emails. No actionable items.

Meeting adjourned.

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