1545 E 8425 S, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday – Thursday 8:15 am – 3:05 pm

Friday 8:15 am – 1:15 pm

Ranked No.2 In Utah

October 12, 2023 – Minutes

● Robbie Stone
● Rachel Stoddard
● Divya Nagpal
● Haley Hanzon– Digital Citizenship Coordinator
● Alexis Gundersen
● Phillip Jones
● Melinda Sharma
● Alyssa Gentry
Action Items

1. Approve Meeting Minutes – Robbie made the motion to approve the
minutes, Rachel Approves, Melinda Sharma Second – All approved
2. SCC 101 online at https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/scc/training/ for those
new to serving on the SCCs -Robbie to send out training to new members
for the online training

● Discussion Items
○ Before October 20th deadline:
■ Submit membership form submitted on School LAND Trust
website; members & contact information updated on school
■ Assure meeting schedule for the year is on the school website.
■ Assure you are also adding your meetings in some other form of
notice that is visible to the public (school calendar, front page of
■ Submit Principal Assurance on the School LAND Trust website

● Digital Citizenship
○ Internet filters currently used in the district

● Content Keeper
● LanSchool

○ Education
■ Teachers
● annual training (October 9)
● Common Sense Media
● Net Safe Utah
■ Students 3 digital citizenship lessons (all required scheduled, at
least 1 lesson has been taught to date)
■ Digital Citizen week – Oct 14-16

○ What is it? 5 pieces of being a good digital citizen
■ Inclusive
■ Informed
■ Engaged
■ Balanced
■ Alert
○ Comments about add to Alert, that if you see something say something
○ Discussion about how those can help to resolve issues such as was
experienced last year relating to slides shared
■ New lessons for Digital Citizens that have been redone
■ Filtering is being done by what ability? We think Whitelisting? Hailey
to look into and report back
■ Currently being done with Thrivetime, Peruvian is piloting program
and is getting good feedback so far

● LAND Trust/TSSP – Data Review
○ Financial update slides
○ Final monetary numbers for the year were just shared Oct 1
● School Safety Report
○ Decided to pursue crossing guard request on Madrid Way
○ Previous request of Altair is no longer an issue
● Electronic Device Policy
○ More discussion is needed on what to do with the district current policy
and how to apply.
○ Need additional discussion in November Meeting
● Safe Walking Route Reports – see notes about School Safety Report above
● Fall data
○ In Robbie slides. Review for comparison in Winter

Motion to close meeting
Robbie Stone motion to adjourned
Philip 2nd – Motion Passed – Meeting adjourned

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