Peruvian Park | School Community Council
November 30, 2022 3:15 p.m.
- Alicia Woodward
- Andrew Adams
- Leslie Jewkes
- Robbie Stone
- Alesa Garr
- Amanda Arcilesi
- Rachel Stoddard
- Annette Marchant
- Heather Watson
- Mandy Romney – PTA Rep
- Action Items
- Approve Minutes
- Leslie moves to approve
- Rachael seconds
- Review School Safety Plan
- Discussed any concerns
- Went through district questions
- Discussed intercom emergency alert system – terminology may only be appropriate for some grades. (Hide, run, fight)
- Concerns about kids walking to Madrid St. and lack of attention by drivers
- Need a sidewalk on both sides of the street.
- Will contact district and county about these items.
- Andrew motions to approve the safety and digital citizenship plan
- Robbie seconds
- Budget
- Land Trust: Spent $20,000 on assistant and software for Dreambox licenses.
- TSSP: Software and assistant salaries are the biggest expense.
- Building updates
- Construction is ongoing for a few finishes
- Approve Minutes
Next meeting will January 18 at 3:15 p.m. (Moved from January 11)
Rachel motions to adjourn
Annette seconds — meeting adjourned