- Action Items
a. Approve Meeting Minutes
SCC Meeting Minutes – October 9, 2024
-Loana motions, Liz seconds the motion
b. SCC 101 online at https://www.canyonsdistrict.org/scc/training/ for those new to
serving on the SCCs
- Discussion Items
a. Safety Presentation- Review the safety protocols before the meeting
i. Peruvian Park Safety Plan, presented by Alli Wenzbauer, School
Psychologist and Safety Specialist
ii. Videos contained in slideshow presentation
iii. One drill per month that is required, November is bomb threat drill
iv. Safety Measures: all doors locked, removable magnets used when not in
drill, safe zone designated, emergency procedures posted, staff
monitoring, camera system, teacher id badges, CrisisGo app (first year)
included is a roster for attendance and communication with certain parties
including police, district personnel, and staff, SafeUT tips, walkie talkies
used, all visitors have to access the building through the front office
v. Drills: Evacuation, Lockdown, Secure, Hold, Shelter. - District uses Standard Response Protocol. These processes are
included, in short, on student
vi. Communication:
- District Risk Mgmt team will communicate with parents.
vii. Evacuation Plan
- Designated evacuation route for exiting building, line up on soccer
field - Designated evacuation location in community
- Office staff would help reunite students with families.
viii. Questions
- Will the school do a reunification drill?
a. No.
b. LAND Trust/TSSP – Data and Expenditures Review
i. LAND Trust Total received is $85,899.11. This includes 10% carried over
from SY23-24.
- Spent primarily on interventionists. In addition, Reading Plus,
Supplies, Substitutes, and Discovery Math
ii. TSSP
- TSSP total $122,621.14.
- MTSS staff is $45,482.28. The remainder is used for
interventionists, PBIS, Dreambox, and Gizmos.
c. PBIS Rewards, Electronic Device Policy Updates
i. Students receive points for following school and classroom rules.
ii. Adults can give points to any student via their phone and the student’s
iii. Students “shop” using their points every other week,
iv. Logical Consequences: Lunch detention, Parent Phone Call, Yoga
instead of Recess, Reflection Time
v. A reminder: Personal electronics may not be used during instructional
vi. Ms. Nagpal will include a reminder for parents of Peruvian Park to help
support technology use rules.
vii. SafeUT app can be used by students, families, and staff.
- This is not for discipline referrals.
d. Website up to date
i. School website is updated.
e. Meeting in December
i. It has been decided we will not meet in December.
f. Be aware
i. There are fishing scams invonovling SCC members and the Principal.
Heather Musser motions to adjourn, Rachel Stoddard seconds the motion.