SCC Minutes
Peruvian Park Elementary
May 11th, 2021
Leslie Jewkes
Ali Woodward
Rachel Stoddard
Jessica Dalton
Emily Tippets
Tami Yamane
Annette Marchant
Andrea Nelson
1. Discussion Items
a. Data review
● Data needs to be parsed out more due to student movement in
and out of classrooms.
● All classes are over the District 60% Goal typical or above growth
● RISE testing and data is combining @ or near benchmark in the
same category. There is no distinguishing unless you were “well
above” or “well below.” This makes it more difficult to analyze data
and create specific targeted plans as we have in the past.
● How do these scores (or grouping of the scores) help inform
○ Teachers do not have the specific student and standard
information as they have in the past.
● Do we use RISE data at the beginning of the year?
○ Yes, it helps teachers to determine where skills are lacking.
We will also be using end of year Acadience data to plan
interventions for the beginning of 2021-22 year.
● Pathways (reading) teachers looked at each child where they
started and then determined how much progress they achieved.
● Acadance Testing 3rd grade did really great. RISE testing scores
went down. Both tests assess different skills. More emphasis will
be placed on comprehension and vocabulary next year.
b. Budget update
● Land Trust – Budget looks accurate. Assistants should be able to
go three weeks into May.
● TSSP – Some adjustments coming in. Insurance and Retirement
adjustments found. May end up with extra money next year due to