1545 E 8425 S Sandy, UT 84093

Ranked No.2 In Utah

Minutes Follow-up


Leslie Jewkes – Principal
Annette Marchant – Teacher

Heather Watson – Chair
Melinda Bezdjian
Heather McEntire
Karina Park
Irina Stoddard
Ali Woodward
Tami Yamane

Alissa Garr

Agenda Items

  1. New building comments
    a. Double or triple the size of classrooms
    b. Larger common spaces
  2. Next month to do- 
    a. TSSA
    b. Land trust plan
  3. Budget
    a. We may be over with allowed carry over monies.
    b. Full projection of carry-over will be available at the end of this month.
    c. Technology needs for future
    1. i.Peruvian Park has had instances of ‘Technology thermal issues’.
    2. ii. Pulled 1.5 tech carts out of operation.
    3. iii. May need 2nd grade 1:1 tech available before move to Crescent.
      1. 1. Second only has 2 carts
      2. 2. Need more if we don’t have a computer lab.
    4. iv. First graders need access to Chromebooks to learn computer skills as part of core standard.
    5. d. Consider change to Erica Haugen behavioral assistant position full time/ benefitted position.
      1. i. It will be the difference of benefits around $7000/year to be added as part of social emotional plan
    1. e. Consider additional recess supervisors for while at crescent
    2. 4. SCC Vote: Should recesses be separate from Edgemont at Crescent site?
    3. a. Unanimous, all in favor of separate recess.
    4. b. Ms. Jewkes will communicate this to Edgemont Principal/ School Board members.
    5. 5. Possibility of temporary fence to keep students from Peruvian Park and Edgemont separated. This is necessary to provide appropriate supervision during recess. 
    6. a. Fencing around side of cafeteria.
    7. b. Fencing by K play area.
    8. 6. Tour planned with representative from SCC and PTA focused on identifying and alleviating any safety issues.
    9. 7. Lunchroom overlap?
    10. a. 1-3 graders done with lunch before Edgemont starts their lunch times.
    11. b. May have to adjust schedules a little bit.
    12. c. Possibility to plan SCC meeting on site to help problem solve
      1. i. Go through schedule focus on safety
      2. ii. Drinking fountains?
      3. iii. Classrooms do not have sinks
      4. iv. Need water filling stations for water bottles
      5. 8. Maintaining student enrollment throughout construction is a priority 
    13. a. Do something to encourage student retention during construction/move
      1. i. Emphasize Peruvian Park as a ‘family’
    14. b. Ideas-April meeting, new building month, focus on campaign and marketing
    15. c. Encourage staff and students through campaign
    16. d. Start at panthers and popsicles – brand/slogan?
    17. 9. SCC will walk through new Midvalley building as soon as possible- built by same Architect slated to build new Peruvian Park school.
    18. 10. Board member attendance at SCC meetings is important.
    19. 11. Members not in attendance- 
    20. a. miss 3 or more meetings without relevant excuse
    21. b. Invited to submit resignation
    22. c. Open spot can be filled or can wait for elections.
    23. 12. BLT team leads have been asked to maintain their positions through the move.
    24. 13. Dr. Francis- new teacher for 3rd grade
    25. 14. Ms. Jewkes submitted digital safety plan
    26. a. #1 concern lack of sidewalks Mesa and 8425 S.
    27. b. Also bus stops, cross walks
    28. 15. Next meeting 
    29. a. Next meeting changed to February 11th.
    30. b. Change approved via email by members: Marchant, Park, Stoddard, Watson, Jewkes, Woodward, Bezdjian
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