1545 E 8425 S, Sandy, UT 84093

Monday – Thursday 8:15 am – 3:05 pm

Friday 8:15 am – 1:15 pm

Ranked No.2 In Utah

November 30, 2022 – Minutes

Peruvian Park | School Community Council 

November 30, 2022 3:15 p.m.



  • Alicia Woodward
  • Andrew Adams
  • Leslie Jewkes
  • Robbie Stone
  • Alesa Garr
  • Amanda Arcilesi
  • Rachel Stoddard
  • Annette Marchant


  • Heather Watson
  • Mandy Romney – PTA Rep


  • Action Items
    1. Approve Minutes
      1. Leslie moves to approve
      2. Rachael seconds
    2. Review School Safety Plan
      1. Discussed any concerns
      2. Went through district questions
      3. Discussed intercom emergency alert system – terminology may only be appropriate for some grades. (Hide, run, fight)
      4. Concerns about kids walking to Madrid St. and lack of attention by drivers
      5. Need a sidewalk on both sides of the street.
      6. Will contact district and county about these items.
        1. Andrew motions to approve the safety and digital citizenship plan
        2. Robbie seconds
    3. Budget
      1. Land Trust: Spent $20,000 on assistant and software for Dreambox licenses.
      2. TSSP: Software and assistant salaries are the biggest expense.
    4. Building updates
      1. Construction is ongoing for a few finishes


Next meeting will January 18 at 3:15 p.m. (Moved from January 11)

Rachel motions to adjourn

Annette seconds — meeting adjourned